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    Admission Enquiry 2025-26

    A Journey To A Better Future Begins With Us




    School Opens

    Swimming session for Girls

    Swimming session for Boys

    Summer vacations starts


    School re-opens

    Best out of Waste Competition

    International Yoga Day

    Parent -Teacher Meeting (PTA -1)


    PA -I Exams

    Palkhi Celebration

    Extempore Speech Competition


    Rakhi Making Competition

    Independance Day

    HATKE fondation (Wellness lecture)

    Memory Competittions (Grade 1-4)

    Ashtavinayak Tales & Craft fest


    Sakal – Eco Ganpati Making Workshop

    Teacher’s Day

    Dhol Patak

    Rangostav Competition

    Hindi Diwas – Hindi Poem Competition

    Grand parent’s day

    Parent -Teacher Meeting (PTA -2)

    Parent Councellig  Lecture

    Story Telling Session

    Fancy Dress Competition


    GEMS & Evolve High School Pre Primary -PTM

    Balgeet Session for Grade 1st & 2nd

    Dandia Celebration

    Mid -Term Exams

    Diwali Fort n Lantern making competion

    Inter house Quiz Competition

    Traditional Games Demonstartion


    Diwali Vacation

    School Re-opens post Diwali vacation

    Children’s Day (Movie)

    Field Trip

    Mother’s day Celebration – GEMS and Evolve High SchoolPre-Primary

    Parent Councellig  Lecture

    Inter-house Declamation

    Parent Coaching – Nachiket (Balgeet)

    Father’s Day – GEMS and Evolve High School Pre-Primary

    Inter House Recitation Competition

    Story Telling Session


    Story Telling Session

    Parent Councellig  Lecture

    Anuual Day (GEMS)

    Maths Day (Ramanujana’s Birthday)

    Christmas Vacation Starts

    SOPA Drama Camp


    School Re-Opens

    Inter House Dance & Music Competition

    Annual Day

    Republic Day Celebration


    Open Day

    Elocution Competition (Marathi)

    Marathi Divas

    Microsoft Assessment

    Science Day

    Drop Everything And Read (Library)

    Robotics project


    Term – II Exams


    School Opens 08th April Monday

    School Opens for the students. Students wee welcomed by all the teachers , Decoration of ballons done along with a photobooth.

    Swimming session for Girls 29th April  Monday

    Swimming session organised for Girls before summer vacation

    Swimming session for Boys 30th April Tuesday

    Swimming session organised for Boys before summer vacation

    School re-opens 3rd June Monday

    School Re-opens post Summer vacation

    Best out of Waste Competition 8th June Saturday

    Competion held were students had to make decorative things to decorated the class board using Recyclable material. Explain the theme of the board. Students were explained the imporatance of Environment and preservation.

    International Yoga Day 21st June  Friday

    Special Assembely hosted and Yoga session was taken by Mrs.Chetana Agrawal she was feliciated by Principal sir. M’am also explained the importace of yoga and healthy food habits. Suryanamaskar and different assans were taken in the session.

    Palkhi Celebration 19th July

    Celebration held for pre primary, students were dressed in traditional clothes, palkhi was made and decorations were done. Students were explained the Significance of the celebartion.

    Extempore Speech Competition 27th July

    Competition was conducted grade wise, students were given a selection of topics to perpare and talk about. Topics given were as per the grades. Competion was evaluated by Principal sir and winners were annouced.

    Rakhi Making competition 10th August Saturday

    Rakhi making competition classwise conducted for students. Students had to make Rakhi using material brought from home. Students showed a lot of ceativity by making rakhi’s of tri-color, different shapes and sizes.

    Independance Day 15th August Thursday

    Independence day was celebrated with hoisting of the national flag by the cheif guest.Students performed patrriotic dance, song and poem in hindi. Students gave speech in english and hindi.

    HATKE fondation (Wellness lecture) 18th  August Sunday

    Event conducted by HATKE foundation – Seminar on ‘Music Therapy’. Promotions done on Social media by the foundation and on Whatsapp by school. Total nos of attendees – 30 (mostly of age 50 +)

    Memory Competittions (Grade 1-4) 28th- 30th August

    Conducted a 1 day workshop with the students of grade 1 -4. Competition was conducted on 30th. Certificate distribution was doen on 10th sept.

    Ashtavinayak Tales & Craft fest 31st August Saturday

    Storytelling session and DIY activity event was conducted by School.Total nos of registartions 35 + 2 walk-in registartion. In which Story of Asthavinayak tales were told by Vaishali Kulkarni was done of 45 mins. was done, post which DIY activity was conducted. Refreshments were served. Written feedback was taken for the same.

    Sakal – Eco Ganpati Making Workshop Sunday 1st September Sunday

    Event conducted by Sakal newspaper, Nos of attendees were 60 +. Eco Ganpati making workshop was taken. School was

    Teacher’s Day 5th September Thursday 

    Event Conducted by Evolve School for Teachers. The event included performances by the teachers, lunch and fun games.

    Dhol Patak 9th September Monday

    Event counducted by Evolve school for students, GEMS students also participated in the event. The main purpose for the event was to give all the students information of the traditional musical instruments.

    Rangostav Competition 9th -13th September Monday- Friday

    Competition conducted for rangostav around the week during the art class as per the gradewise.

    Hindi Diwas – Hindi Poem Competition 14th September Saturday

    Competition conducted for Hindi poetry Recitation, topic for the same was given as per grade. Competition was evaluated by Principal sir and Cordinator.

    Grand parent’s day 13 & 14th September Saturday

    Event conducted by GEMS and Evolve Pre-primary teachers. The event compraised of a fireless cooking activity, a speech and Q&A session with Ketki ma’am followed by a small Antakshari session.

    Parent Councellig Lecture 21st September Saturday

    Event was conducted by Anuja Kulakarni for Evolve parents and registered parents from outside. In the event topics discussed were child well being and safety.

    Story Telling Session 23rd September Monday

    Event counducted by Vaishali Kulkarni for the students only. The stories were age appropriate and maily foucsed on building morals and good habits for garde 1 – 3, and a mystery and suspense story for garde 4- 8.

    Fancy Dress Competition 28th September Saturday

    Competition was conducted as per grade, the topic for the same was given based on environment, freedom fighters, different cultures.Students had to introduce themselves and explain about the custome. The competition was evaluated by pre-primary teachers.

    GEMS & Evolve High School Pre Primary -PTM 5th  Oct Saturday

    Event conducted by GEMS and Evolve School Pre-primary teachers. Parents were addressed in a collective format. Upcoming events and instructions regarding the same were given. Issues of Parents and school were discussed.

    Balgeet (1st & 2nd) – In house 7th Oct Monday

    Event Coducted by Manasi Khasnis of Balgeet for students of grade 1 & 2 ,diffrent musical tools were used for the session, song story telling was done.

    Dandia Celebration Friday 11th Oct

    Garba event was conducted were students were dressed in traditional clothes and performed garba. The event concluded with class photoghraps.

    Diwali Fort making competion 23rd Oct Wednesday

    Inter house Killa making competiton conducted for the students of Grade 5 – 8. The students did research on the fort they wanted to make, the entire process was supervised by sports HOD. Competition was evaluated by Principal sir.

    Lantern making competion 26th Oct Saturday

    A lantern-making competition was held for students of Grade 1 – 4, students had to make latterns as per the materials bought by them.

    Traditional Games Demonstartion 26th Oct Saturday

    Traditional games weapons were demonstarted by the students of a sports academy. The demostartion was to inform students of the traditional weapons used in early ages.

    Discover Our Programs

    Diverse range of transformative programs designed to inspire and
    empower every student’s journey towards excellence

    Pre School

    We focus on developing motor
    skills, numeracy, literacy,
    phonics, arts, and socialization.

    Primary School

    Guiding students to
    independence in critical thinking,
    reading, writing, and analysis.

    Middle School

    Fine balance between academic excellence, artistic expression, and practical skills.

    Secondary School

    Nurturing student aspirations through holistic education and individualized guidance.

    The Evolve Way? Pedagogy


    Evolve High Global School provides high-quality and meaningful education to build lifelong, confident learners, who have the tools necessary for success in a changing world.

    Our major approaches in “The Evolve Way” Pedagogy are:

    Inquiry Based Learning
    Inquiry Based Learning

    Why Evolve High?

    Experience The Joy of Learning At Evolve High: A Futuristic Global School

    Education is undergoing a tectonic shift globally, and even more so in India. Welcome to Evolve High, a modern K-12 school catering to ages 3 to 17 (classes from (Pre-School to Grade 12), with an
    offering of CBSE curriculum.

    Evolve High Global School is an initiative of “Pune Foundation For Education & Healthcare” to provide education, with the motto of “Ignite, Progress, Evolve.”

    Evolve High Global School - CBSE Pune


    Our commitment to holistic education goes beyond the classroom, providing students
    with opportunities to explore their interests and passions in various domains.

    Ignite. Progress. Evolve.

    Creating a futuristic learning environment to raise responsible,
    happy, future-ready individuals.

    Pre School

    We focus on developing motor skills, numeracy, literacy, phonics, arts, socialization.

    Primary School

    Guiding students to independence in critical thinking, reading, writing, and analysis.

    Middle School

    Fine balance between academic excellence, artistic expression, and practical skills

    Secondary School

    Nurturing student aspirations through holistic education and individualized guidance.

    The Evolve Way?Pedagogy

    Evolve High Global School provides high-quality and meaningful education to build lifelong, confident learners, who have the tools necessary for success in a changing world. Our major approaches in “The Evolve Way” Pedagogy are:


    Our commitment to holistic education goes beyond the classroom, providing students with opportunities to explore their interests and passions in various domains.

    Ignite. Progress. Evolve.

    Creating a futuristic learning environment to raise responsible, happy, future-ready individuals.

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