UDISE No. 27251600409
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The Evolve Way

Fueling lifelong confidence through
meaningful education

The Evolve Way? Pedagogy


Evolve High Global School provides high-quality and meaningful education to build lifelong, confident learners, who have the tools necessary for success in a changing world.

Our major approaches in “The Evolve Way” Pedagogy are:

Inquiry Based Learning

Discover Our Programs

Diverse range of transformative programs designed to inspire and
empower every student’s journey towards excellence
Pre school Admission 2024-25 | Evolve one of the top school in Pune

Pre School

We focus on developing motor
skills, numeracy, literacy,
phonics, arts, and socialization.

Primary School - Skill Development-Evolve school Pune

Primary School

Guiding students to
independence in critical thinking, reading, writing, and analysis.

Middle School in the best CBSE school in Pune

Middle School

Fine balance between academic excellence, artistic expression, and practical skills.

Secondary school admissions open for the year 2024-25 | Evolve Pune

Secondary School

Nurturing student aspirations through holistic education and individualized guidance.

The Evolve Way

Fueling lifelong confidence through meaningful education

The Evolve Way?Pedagogy

Evolve High Global School provides high-quality and meaningful education to build lifelong, confident learners, who have the tools necessary for success in a changing world.
Our major approaches in “The Evolve Way” Pedagogy are:

Inquiry Based Learning

Discover Our

Diverse range of transformative programs designed to inspire and
empower every student’s journey towards excellence
Preschool Admissions open for 2024-25 | Evolve Pune

Pre School

We focus on developing motor skills, numeracy, literacy, phonics, arts, socialization.

Primary School Grade 1to5 | Evolve Pune

Primary School

Guiding students to independence in critical thinking, reading, writing, and analysis.

Middle School-Grade 6 to 8 -Evolve High School

Middle School

Fine balance between academic excellence, artistic expression, and practical skills

Secondary school-Admission open 2024-25 | Evolve High School Pune

Secondary School

Nurturing student aspirations through holistic education and individualized guidance.

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